Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Blind Side.


“Courage is a hard thing to figure. You can have courage based on a dumb idea or mistake, but you're not supposed to question adults, or your coach or your teacher, because they make the rules. Maybe they know best, but maybe they don't. It all depends on who you are, where you come from. Didn't at least one of the six hundred guys think about giving up and joining with the other side? I mean, Valley of Death, that's pretty salty stuff. That's why courage it's tricky. Should you always do what others tell you to do? Sometimes you might not even know why you're doing something. I mean any fool can have courage. But honor, that's the real reason, you either do something or you don't. It's who you are and maybe who you want to be. If you die trying for something important then you have both honor and courage and that's pretty good. I think that's what the writer was saying that you should hope for courage and try for honor. And maybe even pray that the people telling you what to do have some, too.—”


我仿佛找到了答案 =)

1 comment:

  1. 這是他寫的那篇作文嘛


如果説每個爸爸媽媽都是孩子的第一個偶像, 那我們都是隨著爸爸媽媽的影子才變成現在這樣, 是的, 我絕對是我爸媽的忠實粉絲, 有時候連我自己都搞不懂, 爲什麽我總是有那麽多無厘頭的想法, 直到我跟爸媽在一起, 我才真真切切地明白, 我是完美無缺地繼承了他們這方...